Need help with finding the right cartridge for my turntable

Hello, I bought a used Yamaha YP-B2 turntable. I realize now after causing who knows what kind of damage to my records that I probably don't have the right cartridge/alignment. The tonearm is not level when playing a record, and I don't see there is any way to adjust the VTA on this turntable. It has the factory head shell that came on that model turntable. the top of the head shell has an overhang that blocks the cartridge at a certain point if you want to move it forward in the head shell. It has about half range to slide the screws in the head shell slots. I saw I may be able to get a spacer for the cartridge and that could help bring my tonearm level when playing a record. I would prefer to have the correct cartridge type instead of doing that. 
I see over on audio karma they like the AT 95e on this table.
If you don't like AT you may have good luck with just about any MM (I would go MM in this price range) and look for one with a low body height  to minimize your arm situation. 
It has the factory head shell that came on that model turntable. the top of the head shell has an overhang that blocks the cartridge at a certain point if you want to move it forward in the head shell. 

Okay so now this raises the question of alignment. Its a questionable design but that doesn't mean its preventing the right alignment. The way to check is download and print an alignment protractor off the web.

The trick to using this is to line it up with the tone arm pivot point. First poke your hole and put it on the platter. Then carefully sight along the scribe marks and point them directly at the tone arm pivot point. Once you've done this then use some Scotch tape to hold the platter and the protractor steady. 

Now if you've done it right you swing the tone arm over and set it down on the cross hatch area. 

Adjust the cartridge so the stylus sits dead center on the center cross hairs, and the body is parallel to the others. Set your tracking force. Done.
Dear @peterhaze476 : " The tonearm is not level when playing a record """

first that condition can’t damages your LPs. Now, it’s not the tonearm whom to starting set up must be level but the cartridge it self against the LP surface.

I said " starting " point because from this level point is from where you will make your first listening sessions with recordings that you realyy know its kind of overall sound.
After that is when you need to make fine VTA changes to find out by ear the " best " VTA for that cartridge.

You can do it with spacers ( that’s the way people do it with some Rega tonearm models that has not VTA . ) or you can go with those spacers at one of the 3 screws that fix the tonearm to the TT plynth.

Again, stay away from Stevenson alignment: it’s the worst one and millercarbon gave you exactly the protractor that you never want to use no matters what. Btw, as almost all tonearm/cartridge japanese alignment specs yours comes with Stevenson overhang distance ( 16mm. ), forgeret about this and go with Baerwald protractor alignment and remember what I said to you in your other thread: aling the cartridge cantilever to the protractor not the cartridge body.

In the other side, there is no cartridge standards about the cartridge body top plate to the stylus tip heigth distance and along this cartridges normally comes with different compliance that affect that distance.

The original Yamaha headshell acomplish the standards for removable tonearm headshells however you can use other headshells that could fit better to your cartridge and not only fit but could be a better quality sound match.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

I'm so lost with understanding things right now. The tonearm sits so low with this cartridge, I can't even see the stylus under the cartridge to know if i'm placing it into the null points correctly on the protractor. A lot of what was said was of some help to me, but I still don't know what to about buying the right cartridge and making sure the VTA is correct. I read in one place that the tone arm needs to be level with the record in order for the stylus to track the record properly. I know you said its the cartridge matters more than the tone making sure it's level with the record, but then you said its more important how it sounds to use as a guide for setting VTA. I wish I could post a picture of my headshell and cartridge for you to see, or anyone else who can help me as well. Thanks for your help.