What is a better speaker than Totem? for = $$$

What is a better speaker than Totem Model 1 Sig or Hawk for the same money?

Why? please dont just list a speaker you bought if you never heard the totems or dont know why its better.
Advertising hype or not, I have to agree the Vandy 2 series just might be the best value in all of high end audio. Though Johnny might not agree, I think it important to warn perspective buyers that they can be room sensitive. Just because they're cheap (in the good sense of the word) they can't be just thrown down any where willy nilly and be expected to perform well. Still, IMHO, in the right rooms, dollar for dollar, you'll be hard pressed to do better than the Vandy 2's.
Gentlemen, the reason you won't hear a lot about Vandersteen in Europe is because of price. It is well known that in order to be successful there you need a distributor in the different countries and with forums like this everybody knows the worldwide price. So, to do export Richard would have to raise the price artificially high domestically in order to give the margin for the distributor, or build a two way instead of a four way, or start using cheap parts, or like many have done have them built in China. For most manufactures the US is the major market anyway and it allows the Steens to be a better value.
Cheers Johnnyr
Thanks for the vandersteen recomendations, but its physical size rules it out for me. I just cant fit 16" wide.
Would the totem model 1 signatures work in a 10x12 study with 9 ft ceilings, powered by a 80W amp (naim supernait2).