Diffusers for magnepan speakers

Looking for thoughts on building a skyline diffuser panel the same size as a maggie 1.6 to place behind speakers. Asking for advice because my online reseach mentioned a 2x2 panel for general specs. i do not want to waste the time and money if it would not sound good. I am thinking about three 2x2 panels placed on stands behind the speakers about 3.5 feet. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
There are a few companies that make nice kits for a fair price. The fit and polish after completed look very pro. I would just Google diffuser kits and your there. Has far as wasting time and money. Treatment such as this can be a crap shoot so if they don't achieve what your looking for sell them on the Gon.
For building a skyline diffusor, you may want to check out gearslutz.com and go to the studio building and acoustics forum and the sub-forum for bass traps, acoustic panels, etc. There is alot of DIY info about all types of acoustical treatment, including diffusors.

By the way, I recently put two GIK Acoustic diffusors behind each of my Magnepans. The two together measure 4 feet tall by 2 feet wide. I mounted them on the wall, which is about 5 feet behind the speakers. In my case, the diffusors behind the Maggies have made a significant improvement in the sound. In addition, I put a GIK Tri-Trap on the floor against the wall behind each Magnepan. Now I hear bass and kick drums like I never thought I would on a Magnepan.
i am drawing the conclusion that magnepan has been responsible for more audiophiles tweaking everything than any other manufacturer. i of course have ficus trees, tape on floor to mark location, tube traps, acoustic panels, homemade stands and braces and razor treatment, cones, new crossovers, specially chosen wires, electronics etc to make my 600 dollar mmgs sound good. and i loved every minute of it. where else could i have had this much fun legally??? btw.. they sound pretty good