Suggestions for an Analog Front-End

Greetings and Happy Easter (if that is your jam)

I have been out of the analog game for a number of years and would like to see what you would recommend for a turntable, cartridge and phono-preamp for a 2K budget. I am open to new or used gear. I only have experience with a couple of Rega tables, an old Planar 2 and a P25 with a Grado Sonata cartridge on it. So only MM. I haven’t explored MC but I’m open to it. My small LP collection is a leftover from years in public radio. Music is a real mixed bag - mostly jazz and classical with some punk thrown in for spice.
The down stream gear is pretty decent. I have an LTA MZ2 Preamp > Pass Labs XA-30.5 amp > Usher Mini-X Dancer DMD monitors. I do not have a phono preamp.
My initial thoughts:  Spend more on the table and cartridge and pair it with a less expensive phono-preamp for now.  I can upgrade later if desired. Open to other strategies.

Thank you in advance,
@decal - Hmm, - that Schiit does look very interesting - especially at that price and with the AT cartridge included.- and it looks like that have done a lot of things right

The only negative from what I can see is - no dust cover !
- but you can buy them on Ebay - not elegant, but they do the job

But I would recommend stepping up to a Simaudio Moon 110LP V2 for around $575 CDN

I have an older version of the 310LP and it is extremely good - the 110LP is of the same "lineage".- i.e. they flow their TOTL developments to the lower models

That will allow you to move up to MC cart if that itch should need to be scratched later :-)

Hope that helps - Steve
Rega, the table you can throw in the pickup drive around all year and when you need it it will just play and never mis-track. Never thought of it like that but now that I do yeah that would be Rega. ;)