Blocking people?

Is it possible to block rift raft on this site?
And for the record, ironically, your posts are the most insulting out of anyone's.
What did I hurt your feelings after you all came at me rudely to begin with now my posts are the most insulting hahaha okay well you don't have to read them or take part in the ignorance such as a few others have shown here... that's a personal choice just like my personal choice to give my opinion that is now considered the most insulting... isn't that funny... I don't get what's so insulting the fact that no one has the huevos to meet me for a study session? I mean that's all I've been saying? All I did was start a thread asking a simple question because some people are just so ignorant there is no reason for them  to have the ability to take part in posts because all they want to do is insult and be ridiculous and it makes this experience crappy.. I'd rather have the ability to exile them so I don't have to waste my time reading things that end up being nonsense. As a matter of fact a may just delete my account on here because the community is has to many trolls and all they wanna do is be douchy. I have a feeling I'm not the only one who sees this! I've really only been active here for a short time and it's almost like anything I post I have some clown making some meaningless argument or just being rude for no reason! I start a thread asking a simple question and look who shows up..  every douchbag on this site... if I had a block button I'd at least be able to undoubtedly get rid of the rift raft by just blocking all the clowns on this thread!!!
Post removed 
"....I'm just a nasty narrow-minded jade
Don't think that I will smile at it
I'm not a weak-willed hypocrite
I'll say: I'm bored!"

(...and suffering from cabin dementia....)