Brumeister 061 performance

I know an audio shop boss, he has one Brumester 061 cd player which is an used one. He wants to sell at US$8000 which is a bit high when compare with international price. How about the performance of the player which also has DA for out source input.
Also, is the price match the sound?
Dear Alexatpos,

Thank you for your kind share of your wonderful experience.
In our country, audio equip. needed to paid import duty and commodity tax + VAT 5%. In addition, the electronic gears has to do EMC exam which would cost importer extra burden while the people who likes to enjoy the audio is getting less and less now. That is why the audio selling price is almost 30% higher than those in EU or U.S.A. even the EU also has high VAT tax.  Taiwan is a small  volume market for those high end gears especially when the price is soaring so high vs. our income. 

Unless you purchase the products from the authorized importer, your products won't get fixed by the distributor.  But there are still consumers try to buy from the private route in the audiogon or hi-fi mart...etc. with some what cheaper price with the risk of service problem. 

Burmester 061 is pretty good gear, but it;s price is  still only affordable by the high income consumers such as business owner or Dr.  for it's selling price is US$ 12,000 for the new one. But even we try to find the 2nd hand one, the price is still awesome for general salary man.  

That is why I am so cautious to  hand in inquiries for how about it's performance and the C/P value over here to prevent making mistake 

Thank you all for your kind reply.


Well, in my country (Croatia) the vat is 25% . Also we have custom taxes for non EU products...
But, it is the Burmester’s policy to increase their prices every year and their products, as good as they are. are basically the same.
New 061 costed around 7500 usd here (001 was around 11 000 usd) if we apply todays exchange rates for eur-usd
It should be considered as player of that price range, regardless of todays prices
So, as you have said, they have become sort of status simbol that only the welthy can afford and imho that should not be reason for purchase of any true music lover.
Do not know the prices of other brands there, but as I said, 8000 usd can buy you a lot of gear on sh market and you should be able to find better solutions than 061 player.
The price here,or in EU in Sh is around 3500-5000 usd for it and even for that price, there is lot of strong competition, imho.

here is the link from domestic review, you can use the google translator
Dear Alexatpos,

Tks for your kind reply. 

I checked the link in your response and use the translation to view the web link.
I found that the review is highly rated the 061 which in your comment there are other superior ones. Of course, one grade up costs more expense and give you different sound which is fair.  

Being a Salary man, what I can afford is a 2nd gear in such kind of grade product with reasonable price.  What I am concerning now is the C/P value instead of best possible reproduction.  You know some times, the higher price may not sound better for it is important for the combination of the audio gears. That is the fun of the audiophiles.

Thank you again for your valuable opinion.

Well, I am not sure if I helped. It seems to me that you have decided to buy it, which is of course fine by me, it is a nice sounding player, after all.

My answer was directed to your question, 'does the price match the sound' ?

In article that I posted, you may see thats its price in the time of launch was around 7000usd (by todays rate eur-usd)

So, if some 14 years later you should pay 8000 usd for used machine, I would not consider that as a favorable investment and I do believe that there are better options

However, our opinions on that matter might be different.

Regards and inform us of your decision and your listening impressions

Dear Alexatpos,

Tks for your kind response.

I won’t purchase a gear without listening with my current components esp. such kind of high priced gear.

In our 2nd audio shop in Taiwan, you can make the full payment of the selling price for the gear, and if you are not satisfied, you can return it to the seller with the cost about US$ 50 to 70 depends on the equip. price. The test listening is 3 days in general, but you can negotiate for a slightly longer period with a higher fee depends on your negotiation with the shop owner.

Also, if you are not satisfied, you can return the gear with 10% discount within 3 months. Or 20% discount within one year.

MBL should be pair with the Burmester in the same grade.
But the 2nd hand 6010C is selling around US$8,000 while the Burmester 88 is selling at US$16,000 for the 2nd hand one.

The 2nd hand shop have no desire to buy back the Burmester for it’s
high price even can buy a new one in EU market.

As the concern about the 2nd hand or non-distributor gear, the 2nd hand can find some former expert (such as the technician work for the brand but retired).

The only problem might be the parts which unable to find one.

Just for your ref.

