Looking For Candidates For That Mythical 6922 Tube

I have spent a bit of time looking at 6922 tubes for a PS Audio BHK 250 Signature. I currently have two tubes that work relatively well, but really are not exactly what I need. 

So far it has been a pair of Siemens 6922 Gold Pin branded under RCA. Or a pair of Telefunken 6922. 

The Siemens have nice space, and a rich mid band. However the top end does not have the clarity and energy I would like. The Telefunken are more extended, but are lean in the upper mids, and have a bit of a threadbare feel. 

I have used Amperex Bugle Boy Holland and Orange Globe. I have tried some tubes from GE, Sylvania, Tungsram, and new Gold Lion. Nothing else betters the two I am currently using. 

Anyone have any recommendations that strike a balance between the Siemens and the Telefunken? I have read a bit about the Reflektor 6N23P with silver shield from 1975 as being a desirable tube. Any thoughts?

Any info you can pass along would be appreciated. 
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Siemens 7308/E188CC; the CCA if you can afford them. The 7308 are premium 6922 tubes.
Telefunken are very linear tubes, the midrange will not have any emphasis or warmth.

Overall, I have favored Mullard tubes in the past. On the recommendation of Kevin at Upscale Audio I purchased a pair of Matsuhita/National 7DJ8 (6922 replacement) tubes for my headphone amplifier. They are well-balanced top to bottom, very quiet and won’t break the bank. No affiliation with Upscale Audio, just a long time (satisfied) customer.
+1, regarding the Siemens CCa, but- the early Sixties, grey shields, which exhibit cleaner, high end sparkle and energy.     In my system; the later, silver shield/internal date code, CCa was a bit strident/edgy.