Got big amp-help with 20A line and receptacle

So, I just purchased a Krell FPB 400cx, which I'm told requires a dedicated 20 amp line. Yes, I have read some Agon threads on running dedicated lines, as well as 20 amp receptacles. But they are mostly several years old and I am interested in some current basic recommendations.

I am not looking for the most expensive or esoteric setup, but do want to do it as best I can. The receptacle location is in the family room, which I estimate will require about 50-60 feet of cable from the breaker box in the garage.

So, at first all I knew was that I would be running a new line from the breaker box and that it would be grounded there. But some posters here and elsewhere stated that I should have an isolated ground installed outside the house and at least 6 feet from the existing ground. There were also suggestions around exactly which location IN the breaker box to place the new line and breaker.

We do have three refrigerators here, one in the kitchen, one in the utility room, and another in the garage. Of course, we we have all the other typical appliances in the house. One good thing is that, in my current setup with no dedicated lines, I don't hear any noise through the speakers unless I use the dimmer in the family room. So, maybe the power in the house is pretty decent.

With regard to receptacles, I've read various comments about the different brands, as well as the various effects of gold, rhodium, or other plating. To start with, I would like to try the most neutral sound I can get.

I did speak with two electricians today, and neither seemed to have much familiarity with the considerations for audio quality that I mentioned to them. Therefore, I would like some input on what to ask of them. If I am making this too complicated and harder than it needs to be, I'd like to know that as well. I would really appreciate any tips and input!
Mtrot, please re-read my post, do exactly as I said here for best results, does not matter what the last owner has said, I have owned Krell FPB amps since 1998 and still have one now!, you will get best results with a dedicated line, 10 awg 3/1 romex electrical cable and 20 amp circuit breaker, you cannot go wrong, call krell, they know me, and agree with me, why, this is what they have told me, cheers, keep me posted as to what you decide to do, Happy listening.
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Thankyou Jea48, You are correct, however, useing the 30 amp breaker on my 10 awg 3/1 romex cable will allow for more current with a furutech GTX-D recepticle, although the recepticle is 20 amps, it is overly built and will with stand a 30 amp load!,my amp will never continously play at these amps, we both know that, but krell said that my amp will spike over the 20 amps quite often, thus useing the 30 amp breaker will allow me to get more current, I can tell you for fact from exsperience that when I owned a Krell FPB 200 amp years ago, I pluged it into the house wireing recepticle, talking about a laughing matter, the amp litterally blew light bulbs and dimmed the others in a apartment I use to live at, when I installed the correct circuit, and back then I had a dedicated ground, all was well and sounded alot better, thanks for the info you posted, I enjoy learning all I can from you and others,BTW, My current 20 amp set-up does trip from time to time, mostly when I am breaking in some audio equipment or cables,that is very strange,, Jea48, also I have talked to many FPB 600 owners here on audiogon over the past couple of years that did the 30 amp breaker, their findings were the same as krell specified to me about the out come of doing so, cheers.
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Jea, My amp can be accomidated to run 220!, it's their at the krell factory now!, I do not understand what you are saying, your facts are based in general, not my particular amp!, I know my amp very well, and I know what I am doing, I did all my electrical here, works with no issues at all, I will give my impressions when I am done with what I will do, read and learn what is possible from a Krell 700cx or 750mcx amplifier, I am sorry to come across so direct, when having the factory and many users tell me what i am doing is correct, it feels right for me to do what is said, cheers.