I haven't visited here in a long time but I must say, I've been living with my APL SS modified DV50 since last November. I couldn't be anymore satisfied than I am at the moment. This was the first Esoteric unit Alex had a chance to view under the hood and work his magic on. The results are stunning,, the only similiarity with the stock version is the faceplate and cover. Sonically this unit is up their with the very best offered in digital IMHO. Wonderfully transparent,,, velvety image float, high frequency's have lost their digital "edge", mids are smooth and liquid, and bottom end has a new found slam and punch not heard in the dv50 stock version. The APL modified DV50 has "soul" and throws a holigraphic soundscape. The APL "new and improved" seems to be the "poor man's" EmmLabs machine at a fraction of the $$, for which I am completely floored. I'm using a SS/Tube integrated for the last word in "tube magic" and its a home run! A ten on sonic delivery, a 12 on the value-performance ratio scale!