Got big amp-help with 20A line and receptacle

So, I just purchased a Krell FPB 400cx, which I'm told requires a dedicated 20 amp line. Yes, I have read some Agon threads on running dedicated lines, as well as 20 amp receptacles. But they are mostly several years old and I am interested in some current basic recommendations.

I am not looking for the most expensive or esoteric setup, but do want to do it as best I can. The receptacle location is in the family room, which I estimate will require about 50-60 feet of cable from the breaker box in the garage.

So, at first all I knew was that I would be running a new line from the breaker box and that it would be grounded there. But some posters here and elsewhere stated that I should have an isolated ground installed outside the house and at least 6 feet from the existing ground. There were also suggestions around exactly which location IN the breaker box to place the new line and breaker.

We do have three refrigerators here, one in the kitchen, one in the utility room, and another in the garage. Of course, we we have all the other typical appliances in the house. One good thing is that, in my current setup with no dedicated lines, I don't hear any noise through the speakers unless I use the dimmer in the family room. So, maybe the power in the house is pretty decent.

With regard to receptacles, I've read various comments about the different brands, as well as the various effects of gold, rhodium, or other plating. To start with, I would like to try the most neutral sound I can get.

I did speak with two electricians today, and neither seemed to have much familiarity with the considerations for audio quality that I mentioned to them. Therefore, I would like some input on what to ask of them. If I am making this too complicated and harder than it needs to be, I'd like to know that as well. I would really appreciate any tips and input!
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Hi Jea48, I would like your opinion of fact here please, question, although it may be a dumb question to many, I have been unpluging my equipment since 2012 when I am not listening to my system, whether the wheather is good or bad to protect my investment, I am tired of doing this!, will flipping my circuit breaker to each componet to off stop any power surges or lighting if I was not at home from getting to my equipment?, I have extreme High-end outlets and power cords that really has to re-settle a few hours from moving things around, and I do not want to wear out these very exspensive outlets I just bought and have not started burn-in process yet,just seems in my mind lighting could still get to my equipment with circuit breakers off? Thankyou in advance.


Well, color me happy! I finally got two dedicated 20 amp lines run, during our recent kitchen remodel. No fancy breakers or outlets, just standard stuff that they ran. The new breaker has not any problem when I power on the Krell amp. The previous circuit had a lot of the lights and plugs in the kitchen area on it.

There is unquestionably an improvement in audio quality. The sound has more immediacy, and is more clear, and impactful. Transients such as drum shots are sharper and more defined. And high frequency sounds such as cymbals seem to sound more "real" and natural. And, no, it's not expectation or confirmation bias, lol. I'm always very skeptical about audio quality improvement from making changes or getting new equipment, because I don't want to be wasting money.