Anthem STR preamp vs Integrated amp preamp section

Hi all, I'm having trouble really finding good info about this.

I currently have the Anthem STR Integrated Preamp.  But wondering if I should sell it and just get the STR preamp and use my PS Audio m700 amps.

My main question is, what are the main differences in the preamp sections?  Different dac?  Different processing?

I'm not totally comfortable understanding everything on their spec sheets.

Hello dtximages,

My name is Chris and I'm a Regional Sales Manager for Paradigm and Anthem and thought I would share what I know, because I realize finding out more in depth information regarding our products isn't the easiest thing to do.  As big a company as we are, we sometimes still operate like a smaller one, particularly when it comes to our marketing.  Spec sheets won't give you a whole lot in terms of how things really sound.  They can give you an idea of what to expect, but not what the actual sound will be like.  It's like specs on a car and until you drive it, you just don't know.  

I can't speak to the differences between the amplifier section of our Integrated and the sound of your PS Audio Amps, but I can talk about the differences between our STR Integrated and STR Preamp in relation to the preamp sections of each.   My guess is your amps will have a big advantage over our Integrated, but it is very good for the amount of money it is. There are just too many advantages to having full separates and our STR Preamp is substantially better than the preamp section in our STR Integrated.  

The quick obvious advantages the STR Preamp has over our STR Integrated Amp is a nice dedicated power supply for just the Preamp alone, not sharing or having to supply power for the amplification section in addition to the Preamp and DAC sections, so there will be less noise between circuits as a result of that. 

The STR Preamp is a fully balanced design in the Digital section as well as in the analog.  Having the fully balanced analog output section when connecting to an external Amplifier that's balanced, will sound better.  You also don't get that if you bypass the amp in the Integrated - it only has single ended outputs.  So, you lose the true balanced board with XLR connections which the sonic benefit is a -6dB lower noise floor and getting +6dB back in gain.  The board has to be balanced in the electronics to have that sonic advantage.  Some electronics only offer the connection, but would have no difference in sound between that and single ended cable connections.      

The DAC and Phono sections benefit with a more robust post DAC section in the STR Preamp.  The DAC's in the Preamp and Integrated are the same on the front end going in, but the post DAC section has been upgraded in the Preamp.  We also use more hand selected parts in the Volume Control as well. 

Mating Subwoofers in a Mono, Dual Mono, or Stereo Sub configuration with the STR Preamp has the advantage of having balanced outputs for two Subs.  Also, the Hometheater Bypass with the STR Integrated doesn't have "Sub In", which means you can't do bypass for subs like you can with the Preamp.
In terms of the way the Preamp and Integrated works, it's exactly the same.  All of the differences are internal which you just can't physically see.  I hope this gives you a better overview of each, but feel free to reach out directly to me here or you can go through our factory and get in touch with me anytime if you have further questions. 


Thank you Chris. That's VERY informative... However, somewhat disturbing since I did email Anthem's support and was told twice there is NO real difference.  

" Hello,  
The only difference is the type and amount of connections on the back, the preamp has more types (XLR) vs the integrated while the integrated has the amplifier channels."

I like your answer better of course :)
I'm very sorry and it's unfortunate to hear - they should have recommended for one of us to contact you.  Our Support people are well versed in helping our Dealers/End Users connect and install our products. 

It's good to know so that I can recommend that they forward these types of things directly to us in the future.  There's a difference explaining the intricacies of products to sell versus how to setup or install and is also why there are separate sales and support departments.  

Thank you again and please let me know if I can help you further.