Oddly enough i have 3 sets of clear day speaker cables and i still use one set in my secondary set up.The interconnects in that stereo are In-akustik 2404 air balanced. At this price point the clear day are very good and I believe will do a good job in many stereos.Having said that they do have their limitations.As far as my main rig is concerned Im running all In-akustik cabling . On my speakers I'm using 4004 air bi wire with silver balanced interconnects.It was a bit of an investment but I felt my stereo evolved to a point where I could justify this expenditure.
I find what I love about the In-akustik cables is it lets more of the music through without adding a sonic signature of its own.The decays are there the base is fast and articulate but the funny thing is I stopped analysing the sound and I actually listen to the music now.Upgrading or changing my cables is the last thing on my mind and believe me that is a nice feeling.
I find what I love about the In-akustik cables is it lets more of the music through without adding a sonic signature of its own.The decays are there the base is fast and articulate but the funny thing is I stopped analysing the sound and I actually listen to the music now.Upgrading or changing my cables is the last thing on my mind and believe me that is a nice feeling.