The System Percentages Thread

Purpose of this thread is for folks to post where each sub-category of 2 ch music systems they’ve built falls as a percentage of total system msrp. There will be no absolute rights or wrongs, but if a critical mass of postings are achieved, it will give new system builders a reference point of various breakdowns that have worked for A’goners.

I’m probably different than most, in that after a 20 year dormancy (since an NAD/B&W system in 2000), I jumped into the deep end and put together four complete separate systems in the last 18 months. By contrast, most I assume evolve their system(s) over time, picking up a new piece here or there to replace an existing piece.

Both approaches are welcome here, although I thought maybe since I approached each system from scratch with different budget, and planned (sometimes meticulously, sometimes very haphazardly) out the subcategories that way, that it might make for an interesting thread. Plus I’m a numbers guy so this stuff is really interesting to me (and most of all I'm bored with the virus shutdown!!). When I got done and calculated the actual percentages for each, I was surprised by the variance.

I’m sure there’ll be some back and forth about what the best ratio is, and likely that it’ll vary depending on budget, but let’s keep it civil. We all know there are no absolutes in audio, and what works great for one won’t work for another, and vice versa.

For budget I list msrp, even though much of my stuff was acquired used or demo, or at much reduced sale prices. But msrp provides a fixed reference, if nothing else. Feel free to omit budget if you prefer, but I think it adds context regarding differences in %’s across systems.

Feel free to add additional categories than those I have (my systems are simpler than many here I’m sure). Demerits if your percentages fail to add to 100%, haha. Okay to add more details like make/model, but mainly interested in system percentage breakdown. Get those calculators fired up!!

Anyway, here are my four entries:

Reference System ($20-25k msrp):
Speakers: 46% (L,R, and sub)
Amp: 27% (integrated)
Source: 9% (streamer/dac)
Power Conditioner: 5%
Cables: 13%

Secondary System ($10-15k msrp):
Speakers: 42% (L, R, and sub)
Amp: 32% (power amp)
Source: 15% (streamer/dac)
Power Conditioner: 3%
Cables: 8%

Office System ($1-5k msrp):
Speakers: 65% (L, R, and sub)
Amp and Source: 25% (super integrated, all-in-one with streamer)
Power Conditioner: 4%
Cables: 6%

Portable System ($0-1k msrp):
Speakers: 15% (L, R)
Amp and Source: 80% (super integrated, all-in-one with streamer)
Power Conditioner: 1% (surge suppressor)
Cables: 4%

Right on, dweller!  I did a search before posting but didn’t really find same thing so just went with it (like I said, was bored). 
Alas, perhaps you and I are only ones interested (and you 20 yrs ago!), because nobody else is listing but at least got a few fun replies — not a total loss. I’ve certainly done worse : )
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I play fantasy football and closely follow nhl and nfl rosters and salary cap developments and speculation scenarios, and in some ways to me this system exercise provides visibility into one’s priorities with their system “roster construction.”

It can also help point out the bargain performers in your system roster (akin to players on great team-friendly contracts), as well as the bloated components perhaps not performing up to their investment level (akin to an overpaid player who may perhaps be a salary cap casualty candidate).

For instance, I know in my reference system that my source plays way above its pay grade and fits in well with its higher priced roster teammates, which in some way makes me value its contribution just a little more.

By contrast, in my office system, I see that relatively speaking I have an outsized investment in speakers, but I wonder sometimes whether I’m getting performance from them commensurate with the investment.
Thanks wrssrw. Good point on room treatments. I simply don’t currently have investment there yet (plan to) so didn’t include in my breakdowns. But point we’ll taken. 

I thought about audio rack or stands/furniture but decided not to do include as category. Open to debate as to whether I should have, I suppose.  Others are free to if they like, of course. 
Another thing I think about after charting this out is my choice of asset allocation between systems. 

Should I put more resources into my reference system to make it better, or balance as I’ve done probably more than most with my secondary system, I sometimes wonder. 

In my case, my reference system is in a highly shared area of the house where wife/kids often want to watch TV or movies, or where kids are doing homework, or lately where wife working from home, etc, making it difficult to utilize my best system whenever I want. 

It’s for that reason I’ve lately been prioritizing buildup of my secondary (the only other of the four that is in my house) so that I have a really good viable alternative when the main system not available