Network Transport vs. CD Transport

So I decided to conduct an experiment. I pulled the old Marantz cd player circa 1999, around $400 retail, from storage along with few CDs. Using a coax digital cable with a $4.97 rca to bnc adapter from amazon, I sat down to listen. I played the CD, the ripped version (AIFF) of that CD, and a Qobuz redbook version thru my zmac Mini. Long story short...the reason why I did it was because there is something missing in the Mac Mini sound quality and I got tired of trying to figure out what the heck is going on. 
Anyways, that old cd player used as a transport into the Qutest DAC sounds considerably better  than the Mac Mini that right now I will need a few days break before I can can listen to the Mac again. I figured (assumed) that a dedicated network transport will pretty much better the Mac Mini and be comparable or better than what I heard with Marantz player as transport. Eyeing Auralic G1, Lumin D2 and Lumin U1 Mini as candidates (I need wifi capability), will any of these be comparable or better than let’s say a decent CD transport feeding the Chord Qutest? For example a Cambridge CXC, or a used high end player?
I can go back to spinning CDs, but figured I don’t want to give up on streaming just yet.
What are your thoughts - Auralic G1, Lumin D2, Lumin U1 Mini, or a dedicated CD transport for high quality playback. Forget convenience, let’s talk purely sound quality...thanks!

Rogue RP-1, Rogue ST-100, Martin Logan Montis, Chord Qutest dac. 
Just recently this year as a matter of fact I’ve moved away from using a transport all together however having owed EMM Labs , PS Audio , Esoteric and a top CEC transport my hard found choice has me satisfied and more content then anything I’ve used and the best part of that I no longer have any urge to upgrade , tweak or change anything and i have no interest in streaming.

Currently I am completely satisfied and content , is really an understatement, with the sound quality of a Innuos Zenith 3 server with Innuos Phoenix with my collection of  CDs ripped to its 4 TB SSD not to mention the convenience of managing my music and FM internet.

There are a number of inherent playback issues with a spinning CD that have been minimized over the decades however many of these issues will never be solved including any future mechanical failures with no guarantee of any parts being available.
Anyway what I’m hearing today using this server is far and away more satisfying then any transport or player I’ve ever owned or listened too and I’ve tried many over the past decade .
... For a dozen years now, it’s been proven that ripped music sounds better than played they a cd player ...
Hmmm, there seems to still be some debate regarding that. Could you please share proof of your claim?
... there is no difference in sound in ssd or hdd.
There certainly is continuing debate regarding that claim.