Floored by Beatles "White Album" Reissue

I bought a sealed copy of this reissue, and it's the most quiet four slabs of vinyl I've ever heard. Sound quality is as good, or better than any other vinyl I can remember hearing. Along with the double White Album, included is the "Esher" demos recorded at George Harrison's recording studio.

All the songs are played with acoustic guitars. Incredibly good sound, and hearing them play so many songs without all the studio effects make you realize just how good those guys really were. I've been wanting a new copy of this music since 1972, when my house burned down, along with my vinyl collection. This set was worth waiting for. Also, for some reason, I kept thinking of Art Dudley, and the influence he had on my changing my system to a return to analog, and the switch to tube amps and preamps, and speakers that would allow that to happen. Best night of music listening I can remember hearing, ever.

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What "reissue" are you talking about?  I have the Mo-Fi boxed set of Beatles albums, the stereo version.  Just the other day, I was comparing the White Album from that set to an "original" US pressing, on Capital I think.  While the latter LP is noisy, the SQ seems slightly superior to the Mo-Fi.  I also compared Revolver from the Mo-Fi set to a mint original Parlophone stereo pressing.  Guess which was better.  The Parlophone, by a mile.  (Probably not a surprise.)  So, if there is yet another reissue of the White Album, I am possibly a buyer.  Thanks.
The 2019 reissue of Abbey Road (its remixed and reformatted)is worth investing in also. I have the digital versions of both. The Blu-ray 7.1 is unbelievable. I'm looking at investing in the vinyl after reading this post. Got to say that this is definitely the way to remaster and remix older albums.Huge Kudos to Giles Martin.
I would consider the Abbey Road Giles Martin reissue as well, but I already have an original issue, and a Mobile Fidelity reissue already, so I probably won't go after that one.

I borrowed the multiple disc box from the library and it is truly amazing to hear the development of each song from the Esher demo to the finished Lp's. Sound quality of all is great.
Let's not forget the terrific Pepper reissue that started it all.
I guess Let it Be is coming next, it will be interesting to see where it goes from there.