I’m a SoTM SMS200 Ultra user and have it with the SMS500 power supply also sold by SoTM. It’s a great sounding network streamer and I believe sells for about $1,200 new. I found a used one with the power supply on A’gon and have been super happy. For me, this one replaced their less expensive SMS200 version (not the "ultra" version) so I was already familiar with the great sound.
Most of the more expensive streamers are no-doubt wonderful but you’re paying for the music player software as part of the purchase price.
With simple network streamers like my SoTM or the equally capable Sonore ultraRendu products don’t provide playing software but both work great out of the box with Roon and or Audirvana and half a dozen other software options.
Most of the more expensive streamers are no-doubt wonderful but you’re paying for the music player software as part of the purchase price.
With simple network streamers like my SoTM or the equally capable Sonore ultraRendu products don’t provide playing software but both work great out of the box with Roon and or Audirvana and half a dozen other software options.