Recommend cartridge for pass labs preamp amp and Harbeth 40.2


I am enjoying a lyra kleos with  pass labs preamp line phono and monoblocks amp with Harbeth 40.2 speakers.

I load it usually at 500 to have an open transparent sound but couldnbe warmer sound anyone recommend different cartridge with my setup


I am using a Townshend rock 7 turntable with a helius omega tonearm. The combo is frequently used together.

The system is great A- at worst...Just seeing if can keep transparency with a little more body...

I have also tried a ortofon a90 on this TT system and that also very good but perhaps even more revealing.

I have tried loading at 250 or 320 and while more full bodied it was on some recordings too much so....imho the harbeth prefers a fast transparent source...

Apparently kleos loading at higher load amount is frequently preferred here on audiogon and even j carr has endorsed it where suitable to listener's system

I thought perhaps the etna SL but pretty pricey 
Higher load is actually unload, try 47k Ohm for your MC, try Vishay Naked Foil Audio Resistors by Texas Components for direct replacement in your phono stage, these are the best audio resistors, will help you a lot with transparancy you're looking for. 
I am using the Pass XP27....

It sounds excellent with Kleos but would be curious about little warmer  cart like Etna....
Dear @karmapolice  : Here good options for you and your system:

VdH Colibri low output version ( 0.22mv. ) are excellent performers. You can ask this next seller if can find out one for you, recomended:

This manufacturer are excellent too and they manufacture all the Air Tigth cartridges and for other companies:

Another Ortofon and is the Ti:

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,