Best Streamer for External USB Dac

Long time reader, first time poster here. Looking for a good streamer for my system. My system is a Hegel h160 integrated, Goldenear Triton 1s, and a Denafrips Ares II dac. I love the sound of the DAC and want a streamer that delivers that sound as accurately as I can reasonably get. 

I mostly stream Tidal and Qobuz, through mostly Roon and sometimes Audirvana on my Macbook Pro.

Since I love my dac I'm looking for purely a streamer.

Any recs is appreciated, there is so much info online in this department its a little overwhelming. 

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I have both a microrendu and an ultra Rendu.
Both unfortunately have the same weak spot.
Power outages.
This can And has on both of mine fried the sd  card which renders them useless.
And here in Florida we get a lot of power outs.
Ofcourse now I know this a UPS behind them should help.
However at $29 a sd card it’s a lesson learned.
That said yes the sq is pretty darn impressive for what they are.
i ran mine into mhdt Orchid dac via usb as that is the only audio output they have.