Schiit Loki

I acquired the Loki several months ago. I hated to use it though, fearing I was compromising the “purity” of the system. Although, theoretically, I thought ( and commented on it here) that it was a fine addition,  I didn’t have the courage of my convictions and seldom (if ever) used it. I finally talked myself into actually inserting it. Now, I discover what a fool I’ve been.
It doesn’t compromise the sound, but indeed enhances it. Soundstaging is just fine, and performances  that I thought we’re unlistenable are now really enjoyable. Why sacrifice enjoyment in the quest for “purity?) We spend fortunes on tweaks to accomplish what this little device can do with the twist of a knob.
  I wonder if others have had this revelation.

I really miss not only the tone controls (a fair percentage of my favorite music was recorded in less-than-audiophile quality sound), but also the mode (stereo/mono/left/right) and balance controls all pre-amps used to have on their front panels, including the Dynaco PAS 2, McIntosh C26, and Audio Research SP-3 I have owned. It was the first Levinson pre-amp (designed by John Curl) that made tone controls on a pre-amp render said pre "unworthy" of being considered high end, and started the trend towards minimalism.

I have an ARC LS-1 in my rack solely for it’s mode switch, and have considered replacing it with an older Mac just for it’s tone controls. Now I don’t have to! Mike Moffat understands ;-) .

There is a good reason the Loki was recommended by many.
Glad you are enjoying yours.
Still one of the best components I have bought. Between the adjustable subs and the Loki, I can make most recordings highly enjoyable. : )
I recently moved to a new home and put my Rega RS1s in the kitchen. They sounded good but thin. After a few months I whipped out the Loki, played some loud pink noise, tuned my knobs with an iPhone spectrometer, and voila: home made room correction! Sounds great! And very subtle when flipped on/off. I love this thing.