Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered?

I want to start building a swarm (starting with 2 subs), on a budget.  Starting with $1000, am I better off buying two used powered subs, three less expensive used powered subs, or a subwoofer amp (eg Dayton SA1000) and two (less expensive) used unpowered subs?  What is the advantage of having a discrete subwoofer amp?  Room size is 13'x22'. 
.. you wouldn’t know how to set up a proper experiment for subwoofer or low frequency localization. You told me you participated in multiple experiments. Why don’t you know exactly how to set up the experiment to deliver valid results?
You’re begging the question here, a logical fallacy also known as "circular reasoning." You can Google that for an explanation.
My opinions are not "opinions". Actual research in this area, i.e. proper experiments are pretty clear w.r.t. localization and frequency especially with real music and a lot of them have been done ...
You cite no reference, and are probably relying on sources like Sound & Vision for your opinions. And that’s fine, until you claim your opinion as fact.

I suggest you do some background research first and then - if you dare - conduct an experiment or two, perhaps with test tones, or perhaps by making your own recordings.

For your research, study what’s known as the occlusion effect - there’s a lot of research on this, Cambridge Neuroscience and Prof. Brian Moore among those who’ve studied it. That will be a good start for you - but it’s only a start.
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Sound and Vision is not a scientific resource ...
Agreed. So please cite a scientific study that supports your claims.
Look at actual scientific studies.
I can post many studies ...
But you haven’t yet, you simply repeat your claim. Meanwhile, I provided a scientific resource for you to begin your study about directional bass. Have you read any of Moore’s work? He’s written hundreds of papers about how human hearing works. You might want to read one or more of them, rather that continue to repeat your opinions and claim them as fact.

Have you ever heard of James Johnson? (Lucent, Microsoft). He’s done quite a bit of work on this! Look for what he's said and you'll have answers to questions you haven't even thought to ask yet!
This is a most entertaining, enjoyable, and remarkable conversation between 2 people who do not know of what they talk about in fact "cleeds" doesn't even own a Music Reproduction System! This type of argument, disagreement, and debate is because no one involved uses anything approaching a Tru-Fi approach to sound reproduction which demands and requires understanding, knowledge, and familiarity with the properties of sound and the properties of components used to try and reproduce that sound. Now as developed Tru-Fi has profound, deep, substantial flaws mostly because it fails to accommodate, adjust, or even recognize ICSS distortion but  even in the absence or failure to address that distortion in can be shown, demonstrated, and revealed that low frequency reproduction is inherently directional but much less so than higher frequencies which may explain another aspect of this argument here. But many audiophiles are like children who's knowledge, experience, and understanding is incomplete and based on "cartoons" (audio magazines) which as not intended to be taken as valid, reproduceable, scientific research.
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