Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered?

I want to start building a swarm (starting with 2 subs), on a budget.  Starting with $1000, am I better off buying two used powered subs, three less expensive used powered subs, or a subwoofer amp (eg Dayton SA1000) and two (less expensive) used unpowered subs?  What is the advantage of having a discrete subwoofer amp?  Room size is 13'x22'. 
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heaudio123"You have not cited one source. Not one at all. A source is a research paper, not a name. Fine I source Floyd Toole. Is this how it works? Names mean nothing. An paper or similar they have published with actual tests that prove your hypothesis"

This is a very common, frequent, repeated type of approach from todays "millenials" and other children who need their "knowledge" prepared, presented, and predigested for they’re consumption the effort, burden, and work is always on some one else to meet their "needs" which are special, unique, and invariably very urgent they are unable to study, research, and formulate original ideas, concepts, and constructs of they’re own commonly.
Anyway you are wasting you’re time with cleeds he is a hemorroid or infected boil on this site you need to explore Tru-Fi and until you understand, comprehend, and can put in to practice and function it’s basic precepts and work with the properties of sound you will be like a blind child groping in the dark for understanding even as you proclaim knowledge, experience, and understanding.

Tru-Fi is all about the properties of sound and many components intended, designed, and marketed for use in Music Reproduction Systems are unable to completely, thoroughly, and properly reveal these properties in fact many are fully deficient, unable, and incomplete as has and can be shown to those who experience Tru-Fi although as I have previously explained, discussed, and stated Tru-Fi by itself is insufficient without introducing the proper mechanisms to adjust, compensate, and correct for ICSS distortion.
heaudio simply repeats previously digested "truths" but any one can do that of course here is one "Perfect Sound Forever!"
1. why would I lie? I’m not selling anything. I want to stop people being preyed upon by charlatans. DBA proponents are not charlatans, but neither are they correct as the the ability it to produce time coherent bass.

Re other frequencies @ 30Hz. You are correct.
30Hz level ≈75db 4m from sub at seating position.
Microphone about 10cm from driver as measured by REW.
60Hz 0.372% -49.3db
90Hz 0.063% -64.3db
120Hz 0.032% -69.8db
150Hz 0.020% -74.0db

4. Air is air. Sound moves through it. There is not enough energy imparted to have laminar flow.

8. Sound waves do not interact and sum. A microphone diaphragm registers 2 waves. If the waves interacted claimed, where there is a null, where did the energy go and how was it recovered for the peak a few feet away.

I have heard DBA, but the mains were so awful, the system was unlistenable. The mains were a well respected [ lord knows why ] ≈$15k make that spread the sound like mayonnaise.

I have a slight advantage in that I sat in the engineers chair and mixed. When the vocal extends between the speakers, the hi-hat is about 3 feet wide, the foot is pillow and the electric bass is a nebulous strolling conglomeration of frequencies, I suspect something is not quite right. Of course, it is possible that it is all the studio monitor systems were wrong.

People like speakers with terrible impulse response, ports, 24 midrange drivers, etc. They are free to like DBA. It’s just not and never can be accurate from a time perspective.

I’m not sure that there’s much benefit to actually being able to reproduce LF in stereo
On true stereo recordings in an ambient space, it is essential. One can do an experiment with a pair of subs with a couple of Y-cords. Drive both inputs on each sub from a Y-cord so L feeds L&R on the left sub and R feed L&R on the right. Adjust level to account for the extra signal. Now rearrange the Y-cords to drive each sub with both channels so the L goes to L and R goes to R on each sub.

The difference is easily heard.

BTW, CDs are mastered from the original tapes. The 2 channel masters did not have the bottom summed.
ieales"why would I lie? I’m not selling anything."

Accusing someone of deception, lies, and/or misrepresentation, deceit or even fraud is a common argumentative technique used frequently in politics but also frequently used, exerted, and applied hear by those who lack facts, understanding, and knowledge by accusing some one of lies it makes it easier to dismiss, reject, and disqualify they’re claims, statements, and representations and then when the insult is over they demand specific research, studies, or data from you it is all to put you on the defensive and conceal they’re own ignorance, misunderstanding, and immaturity these people are best ignored.

It is true that some people like "big bass" all around them thump thump thump so "swarm" or "dba" is good for them the more drivers and the bigger the better for them on the way to Perfect Sound Forever it is about BIG BASS not accuracy as has been shown, demonstrated, and revealed here because they don’t know what accuracy is they think all bass is omnidirectional and of course they can "prove" it with their monophonic bass systems!
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