Anyone experienced speed issues with Artemis Labs SA-1?

Hi guys.
I was listening for several hours and then out of blue on the last record the speed started slowing down and back and then down again. I had zero issues in my 2 years or so of ownership. Used in an all Artemis lab system.

I used my cell phone to measure (after stopping and removing the record) and it showed around 32 rpm first which then - after a few revolutions_ dropped to 30.
Wondering if anyone had the same issue and figured out the fix.
well I was very excited that the low speed disappeared during my next session a day or two later. Then of course after 3 LPs it came back...not sure but perhaps it is the power supply acting up?
The Artemis is a very thoughtful design which uses two pulleys, one to drive the belt and the other to push the belt up against the circumference of the platter so that the belt contacts the platter very nearly on its full circumference.  This is to eliminate belt creep and along with the noncompliant belt, it probably works.  Have you looked closely at the passive pulley?  Is there any friction in it at all, when you turn it by hand?  Could it be hanging up on anything? Likewise, can you check for bearing noise in the motor pulley? If the pulleys are blameless, then I'd think about the motor itself.  I always like to eliminate the easy stuff first.
Will check it and report back.
I hope i don't have a motor issue - it is a rare Swiss motor as I understand it and was developed for the TT. 
I hope not.
Checked the pulleys - no friction. Not sure about the bearing but does not seem to have an issue.
After 6 full records I had no issues whatsoever. Hopefully this was it.
If it comes back again I may do some deeper investigation.