Home Theater Speakers exclusively

Very little music listening. Perforated projector screen speakers will live behind, so looks mean nothing. Bought 3 B&W 603s to run across the front and I'm not impressed and I'm still within the return window. Considering used Vandersteen 3As (I've had several Vandys and love them) or something in the Tekton family. 

Thoughts? Purely front speakers for home theater.  Thanks
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcajunbaseball
Since the speakers will be behind a screen, would they be up against or in the wall behind it?

Conventional box speakers are voiced to be out in a room, not voiced to be in or up against the wall. That may be what you’re experiencing with your B&W’s?
If you have a friend stand up against the wall and/or behind your screen and have them talk, then move out in the room and/or from behind the screen, you’ll hear how dramatically different and better their voice will be. Speakers work no different, unless they are specifically designed for the application. However, a better speaker will always be better, but placement can be a major compromise.

I also recommend finding speakers that play music well, particularly vocals.  The human voice is the one instrument everyone is an expert on.  It’s the musical score in the films that draw you into the scenes and set the mood, besides, sound effects are easier to replicate than harmonics, but also keep in mind - your system and speakers don’t know what they’re playing. Rock, classical, jazz, movies, the speakers don’t know, they play what you give them and the better your electronics are, the better your speakers are, the more they will show you the differences in recording quality than anything else and voices reveal the most.

Please ket me know what your budget is and I will happily help you with some recommendations.

@cajunbaseball I have a 5 channel setup, w 2/ more coming for the sides. I'm using 212RTs as LR, 210RM as center, and 11HTs as surround (and sides soon). They aren't cheap, and they aren't the prettiest...but I guarantee you they'll give you everything you need and more. This review just came out yesterday:

Thank you for the responses. My room is 24'6" long by only 12 feet wide. The screen is 6 feet away from the back wall and I can move it further into the room. Point being, the speakers have plenty of room behind them. 

I am a disciple of Jim Smith and "Get Better Sound" so I understand a good bit about placement. And having Vandys for the last 15 years, I know how critical good placement is.

Be that as it may, the speakers will stay behind the screen. 

Yesterday, I plugged the B&W's into my Ayre VX5- Twenty amp and the sound improved immensely, but I doubt I keep the B&Ws. 
@cajunbaseball if you have a screen, you should really look into JTR. since they're not the prettiest, hide them haha. in fact, they're prob meant for that. if you want, pm me and i can give you more info and probably help you pricing wise...i'm NOT a dealer, just a huge fan and jeff (the owner) takes care of returning customers and referrals.