The "Broken Blue Point Special Club"

Geez am I a klutz! While installing a new BPS I hooked the stylus and bent it so badly that it makes a horrible humming noise. To make matters worse, I tried to "straighted it out" and sheared the stylus off completely. Can anyone confirm my fear that the next step in this process is to simply throw the thing away, or can it be repaired?
If I could find my BPS, I’d break it. But I can’t be bothered to look for it, even with nothing else to do.
Quite a few years ago I was able to buy 3 or 4 BPS with missing cantilevers. I sent them off to Andy Kim for retip, and he used a higher quality cantilever and diamond than what was OEM. The end result was a very good cartridge for not a lot of money. I sent them off to other owners, and everyone enjoyed them immensely. 

I suspect that the current BPS EVO is really the same generator as the Blackbird. Get one retipped with a boron cantilever, and a LC stylus and you will have a improved version of the Blackbird. Just my own guess of course, got no proof of this.