Shelter in Place Qobuz Binge?

Ok, we have all heard of Netflix binging.  Some time ago I realized I wasn't watching any netflix anymore and I cancelled my account and the cable tv went with it.  I just realized that today has been a Qobuz Binge.  All of Bill Withers body of work that is on Qobuz.   Do I need to see a therapist? I keep hitting "add to play queue". 
That's why I do not watch the news. Better things to do. Life can be hard enough without being inundated with all the crazy crap going on all over this world.
@ Teo haven't missed much.  

I've noticed since this started more families walking together or riding bikes, more people exercising. Obviously more music being heard in my home than ever before. 

@ Three Easy .....timing couldn't have been better, my soul needed some nurturing.