Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?
Which pairs did you own?
I just looked at your posts, you never mentioned Magico before (you have not posted anything since 2017), and you say that you are a distributor for Prima Luna? Can you disclose more about your system?
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I'm just curious what speaker could challenge or potentially beat a magico m6. Hrmm... interesting question to ponder.
I have owned several pairs of Magico speakers. I loved their build quality and their clarity, speed and definition. I ultimately did not keep them in my system because I found I was just not listening for as long, in fact I would go many days if not weeks without listening. I ended up going back to Magneplanar speakers (20.7i) because although they do not do some things as well as the Magicos, they do transport me to the venue and bring the music alive in a way that it totally natural to my ears. They engage me with the music.

This to me is the very definition of what I call hi-fi sound: technically fine, if you can stand it. 

The whole point of a music system is to enjoy listening to music. If you're not enjoying then the components no good no matter how wonderful the build quality, clarity, speed, and definition. 

Another thing about the hi-fi sound, guys tend to think that because its so technically good but they just don't enjoy listening, that maybe with enough time it will get that last little bit of break-in that makes it so you can stand to listen to it. Forgetting (if they ever learned) that if it doesn't sound good right out of the box odds are it never will.

I got a friend, when he heard Jennifer Warnes the first time he asked if she was married. It was the voice that did it. Didn't even ask about her build quality.