Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?

In thinking about subwoofers to get for a large future listening space (30' x 30'). So far there seems to be a lot of great options for smaller subs for music.. such as the rel s812. Now my main focus will be music but I do plan to do some home theater on the system and I do enjoy subs that reach low and have strong but clear sub-bass. Would a large sealed sub still be able to provide clean tight bass that digs low and thus satisfy both duties. Can it ever match the speed and precision of a pair or more of rel 812s? Something like PSA S7201 or Captivator RS2?

A realize a smaller sub has a smaller moving mass and thus for a given level of power would be faster than a bigger sub with a bigger moving mass (driver mass). But a large sub would have to move less to achieve the same SPL and would reach lower.

Anyhow what do you guys think? Thanks.
Maybe that's why the Tekton subs work so well. DBA stands for distributed bass array. DBA says nothing about what or where, only that the bass is distributed among many drivers in different locations. One of the early papers even discusses four subs stacked on atop the other. Two Tekton subs is 8 woofers is more than my 5 is totally a DBA. Someone saying a BDA is not that great compared to Columns, when two columns is a DBA, is only showing they don't quite get the concept of a DBA.

More is always better. Been saying that about a hundred times now.
One still works better than most pairs of lowriders,
The Taller, The Better,

Good yes, great NO

Someone saying a BDA is not that great compared to Columns,

millercarbon, what was said is, "most pairs of lowriders", (24" or shorter).
good yes, great no... A little different "than not that great"

Bass columns, not sub columns, apples, oranges, (I’m trying to shorten the response honest) I should have explained my setups clearer.

I have a pair of 300 lb mid riders 12 cf boxes 65" tall. They work better than most lowriders. But the are not subs, They are Bass columns. SAT
(Stack and Test), There are a couple more setups here with multi MB, and taller cabinets.

Most of the systems I’ve heard over the last year or so, use multi lowriders, normally used as subs, 60-100 and below. Omnidirectional.
Bass columns are NOT. Bass columns are Very directional Up to 250 hz and down, usually 80-150 <

I've see, subs stacked also, they sound better to me, too.

I think I understand how most are using DBA/Swarm. I like ALL the bass in a its own structure. Something I learned from Mr. Bass Brian C. He used 3 columns, powered br Dayton SA1000s, 20 years ago.
lowers distortion, a lot...Especially on Sub/Bass/Mid Bass couplers using phase plugs. 20% distortion in the bass region is very common (non servo), not in my system, closer to 5%. Very little vibration issues with my planars monitors, again lowering distortion. with narrower baffles. and separate cabinets.


So perhaps we should be firing subs vertically towards the ceiling.

But so many models have the driver on the "front" and the controls on the "back", making this very tricky.


    You can do this with the AK Swarm and Debra DBA passive subs, front firing but terminals on the bottom and controls on the amp/control unit.member hleeid has a Swarm in his small office with 1 sub on the floor and 3 on shelves near the ceiling and firing toward it. He’s stated it saved a lot of floor space and sounds very good.  He posted fairly recently on this thread.

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