Stillpoints Aperture or Synergistic UEF panels Which one?

Stillpoints Aperture or Synergistic UEF panels Which one?
Both of these products have received rave reviews. The Stillpoints appear to be 4 times the cost of that of the Synergistic Research.

Currently, I am using some convoluted foam panels at the first and second reflection points and I also have many of the Synergistic HFT's through out the room. I also have ASC bass traps in all 4 corners.

I just tried a SR HFT in the center of the acoustic convoluted form panel and son of a gun it did lock in the soundstage. So, now I would like to pursue further with trying either one of these panels.

I have read somewhere that the SR HFT's do not work well with the SR UEF panels, which to me seems strange.

Any opinions would be appreciated.

I have several sets of HFTs on the walls, and complete speaker kits, plus ECT and PHT. All very effective. I tend to experiment and try different things, essentially tweaking my tweaks, and was impressed to find all Ted's placement recommendations very effective. One time I put an ECT on the projector, noticed absolutely no improvement. Which seemed odd. Until I looked and saw his guideline to put it on the sending end. So I moved it to the sending end and sure enough, works great there!

So if SR says does not work well with, I would believe them as odds are they are right. But I would give them a call- SR not the retailer- and ask. Because Ted is serious about good sound and if there's a better option he would know.

Other than that if you don't have HFT speaker kits that's the obvious one to do next.
Thanks millercarbon for your reply.

I had many of the HFT's on my speakers along with the PPT Omega Mat +.
 I just completed cleaning/buffing my speakers to a high gloss shine and now prefer not to stick anything to me them again.

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ebm, Thanks.
Do you have the version 1 or 2?
By chance would you also be using the HFT's?
