Stillpoints Aperture or Synergistic UEF panels Which one?

Stillpoints Aperture or Synergistic UEF panels Which one?
Both of these products have received rave reviews. The Stillpoints appear to be 4 times the cost of that of the Synergistic Research.

Currently, I am using some convoluted foam panels at the first and second reflection points and I also have many of the Synergistic HFT's through out the room. I also have ASC bass traps in all 4 corners.

I just tried a SR HFT in the center of the acoustic convoluted form panel and son of a gun it did lock in the soundstage. So, now I would like to pursue further with trying either one of these panels.

I have read somewhere that the SR HFT's do not work well with the SR UEF panels, which to me seems strange.

Any opinions would be appreciated.

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HFTs are not even close to the performance of Apertures

At a fraction of the price, I would hope not! lol!

Now why am I not surprised your statement is so misleading???

Maybe someone who has both- and is a credible source- would care to comment on their relative value?

I have a wall 2' behind the listening position and was having decay time problems at certain frequencies. I first tried large absorbing panels on the wall but it just killed the sound...they sucked all of the midrange and top end out of the music. My dealer uses Apertures behind his listening position and suggested I try them. I bought 2 at first and really loved what they did to the sound so I bought 2 more. Now the midrange and top end are back and detailed and no more reverberation time problems. They don't do much for bass below 100hz but really work for midrange and top end frequencies. I would like to be able to place (2) deep center stage between the speakers but I would have to buy a stand to hold them at the right position.....still thinking about that.
Thanks millercarbon and ron17 for that information.

I will be getting a trial Stillpoints pair soon. It will be interesting to see if they play well with all the SR HFT’s I have in the room.

I do have some large ASC bass tube traps in the corners. But again, with my giant TV I am limited and not able to place a panel in the front center.
