2ce sig ii tilt and listening height

hello, my 2nd post. i have the 2ce sig ii's and i have them titled back to accomodate my listening height. i sit in an office desk chair and when i lean back in that chair, it seems like the image lowers a bit and warms up, dire straits' mark knopfler's voice seems to blend back into the music and it sounds somewhat more mellow.

now, sitting more upright in my chair (ears a couple inches higher so maybe too high for the alignment?) mark's voice and the music tends to be a little more forward and perhaps more detailed.

question is, which is more accurate considering these speakers and the reported small window of optimum listening position?

Good advice John, but Vandersteens don't always need to be tilted back. I have "found the magic" on more than one ocassion with Vandersteens setting level. The OP's room is only 12'x12' and depending on his listening height and distance from the speakers he may need to tilt the speakers forward. See OP's other post titled "room tuning 12ftx12ft room".
oh wow, that thread is exactly what i need! i figured noone here would be caught dead with a room this small so i didn't even search :)

thanks. i'll experiment some more and read that thread.
Ha thats my other thread
I saw frogs well intended suggestion in G19276 other thread
but disagree
Why would anyone want to settle on a less natural sounding 2 way mini box when all you need to do is kill any excessive room overload with a simple Vandersteen assessment x over box and later insert the proper x 2 for uniform in room response.
i've seemed to set them up fairly well now. i popped in a few cd's now and things are clicking better. the speakers are about 7'8" apart and i'm actually a lot closer to them, about 4'7-9" from the back wall. i've lowered the back spike so they aren't as tilted back as they were and the stage has gotten taller and pretty well focused. save one issue that i've noticed in two different rooms. on a chesky test disc, hitting a tom, center, left, right are solid, "extreme left" the tom comes almost directly from my left middle of the room and "extreme right" seems to be a few feet right of my right speaker (inline with the speakers) where it should be. bass is better now that i'm out away from the back wall, but looks like i'm going to have to get some traps or make some. -steve