Single box unit to pair w/ Plinius , Totem?

After a long hiatus from my cd player search, I am now
looking again, with several players under consideration.
They would be paired with an 8200 Plinius, Totem Forests, and AZ cables. Unfortunately, there are no dealers close by for any of these, so I haven't had the benefit of a good listen:

Ayre cx-7
Wadia 301/302
Meridian 588
Classe CDP 10
Resolution Audio

I'm trying to decide between solid state vs tubed. Also,
a couple of the units (R.A. & Wadia) have a volume control, which I'm not certain I'd use. Any idea what that adds to a unit's cost? Thanks, Craig
Thanks for the tips. Are you running your modded Sony through a Plinius and Totems as well? Coincidentally I have both the 9000es and the 999es and I’ve already given some serious thought to Modwright modifications for one or the other. Before I go that route however I wanted to check out some of the stock models that might be available for about the same price. Sounds like maybe you already did. In your opinion, am I wasting my time? Should I just go the Modwright route?
Jeff I use to run my Sony direct to my Plinius SA100
the result is unbelievable,I use Eggleston speakers,
I am very familiar with Totem speakers,I think it
will be a good combination,Go for the 9000es, it is
way better than the 999es mod. The Modwright
will surprise you, how musical is this player.I
want you to email TVAD and ask Him about my Sony.He
was here 2 months ago and able to listen to it.Thanks
Since your post yesterday I've been reading a lot of the old posts about Modwright. Seems kind of like a no brainer. I have been wondering which player to do so thanks for your tip on the 9000 vs. the 999. Still wondering about Golfrok's experiences though. Golfrok, are you still out there?

PS. my name is Mark, but I've been called worse.

Thanks again.
cary 303/200 or 306 with a siltech ic....cary cdp's sound better out of the balanced ports, but the plinius only has rca...could use an adaptor.