Turntable platforms

Good morning .   I am looking for suggestions, opinions, and recommendations for a turntable platform for my Transrotor ZET 1?   I have been considering the Synergistic Research Tranquility base, HRS, and Symposium?   Maybe some others?   I would love to get some insight.   Thank you.  
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I recently demoed my unsuspended, 70 lb turntable on an HRS S1 platform and really liked what it did.  Better clarity, bass extension and micro detail retrieval.  Just swapped it out for a vibraplane for similar good sonic result with a bonus of zero footfall transmission which makes me think it may be even more effective than the HRS shelf. System is on a suspended hardwood floor.

The Townshend Audio Seismic Pod is a spring inside a rubber sleeve, with a tiny hole that allows air to escape when the spring is compressed (somewhat reminiscent of a bellows). The spring provides isolation, the rubber sleeve and compressed air damping.

In one of his You Tube videos, Max Townshend demonstrates the difference between the bare spring from a Pod vs. the complete Pod. Easy to find on You Tube, just do a search for the company name.   

That would certainly explain why my simple undamped springs sound better than Townshend Iso Pods. Any restraint of the micro motion of the springs, e.g., the rubber fabric or the force of air, interferes with the effectiveness of isolation. As I said damping degrades the sound. 
My TT (Takai Final Audio VTT-1) rests flat on a Critical Mass System shelve with AT-616 footers under the shelve.  The AT-616 footers also level the shelve and thus the TT.  My set up works very well and I highly recommend.

I use a minus K under my Esoteric CD player to great effect.  The minus K is VERY sensitive to weight distribution and MUCH care is required while setting it up. 

Let’s talk about the Minus K for a second. Great performance, under 1.0 Hz in all of almost all directions of motion. I read you can drop a penny on the top plate of the Minus K and it will go into slow undulation, rocking and rolling and moving up and down. That’s what isolation, very good isolation looks like, small forces put it into motion with ease. The best isolation is when there is the greatest ease of motion. That’s also why it’s critical to square away all power cords, etc. that might constrain the motion of iso system for any spring type iso stand.