EMM Lab CDSD transport motor resonating

Has anyone experienced any sort of resonating sound coming from their CDSD when playing certain CDs. This has happenned to me on two discs, the latest one with "Shirley Eikhard - Stay Open, Track 1 - Take It To The Max". I assume it has something to do with the rotation speed of the transport on that given track, because it slowly fades away past the 2 minute mark, and doesn't occur on any other track. It is extremely annoying and surprising for a $7K transport. I'm starting to wonder if I need to send it back, but I'm hesitating considering how difficult it has been to get it in the first place.
No, after they replaced the Philips drive, the resonating/ticking returned a few months later. After many discussions with the dealer and distributor, an agreement was made for me to receive a brand new unit (latest revision). Although it is much quieter, it still ticks on redbook CDs. I recently had a different issue with this new transport - it stopped working. Apparently there is a busted fuse (user unserviceable). I am currently waiting for the unit to be returned from EMMLabs.

I find it somewhat impossible to fathom that three CDSD units performed poorly especially on the same tracks.

I have owned 3 CDSD's and never once had a problem.

I would have to ask you that if the sound always occurs on the same tracks that you play perhaps the disk needs to be either cleaned or replaced.
It is all together possible that it is just my dumb luck, but I have received PM from users who are experiencing noisy transports, as well as users who report no problems whatsoever.

The problems were never identical between any of the 3 units. Different discs would cause the familiar ticking sound. My latest unit has been the quietest of all three drives and does not produce any objectionable noises on any SACD that I have played. So far it has only been on CDs, most of which are brand new. Even then, the noises are quieter than my original 2 units and only distracting at times during quiet passages. On particularly noisy CDs, I rip a copy onto CDR using EAC, which often sounds better than the original anyways.

If you want more details, just send me email.

Hi Jonathan,
Yes, it is plugged into a BPT 3.5 Sig+, which is plugged into a dedicated circuit. The only other thing that hangs off the BPT is the DCC2. If you are suggesting it may be a source of problems, I'll try plugging it direct into the wall. My transport in for service for a few weeks now so I can't give this a try immediately.