So, the corrosion in my meter box is causing distortion in the mains.
Moving my subpanel to the opposite leg stopped the Equi=Core hum for awhile, but now it's back.
Does anybody know if a toroidal transformer can be damaged due to longterm hum from harmonic distortion?
@jea48 , I saw your comments regarding this subject on the other forum. My concern is that this harmonic distortion may cause damage to the Equi=Core and my Atma-sphere amp which is also experiencing hum.
Does anybody know if a toroidal transformer can be damaged due to longterm hum from harmonic distortion?
@jea48 , I saw your comments regarding this subject on the other forum. My concern is that this harmonic distortion may cause damage to the Equi=Core and my Atma-sphere amp which is also experiencing hum.