Discussion of Class D Amps Application & Experiences

With all the time off that our current situation has allowed recently, I became intrigued by the idea of class D amplification. I have always been against this type of amplifier but the more I have read the more I have also learned. There are lots of threads here on this subject many of which result in arguments about which amplifier class is better. I do not want to do that here. As I consider a class D amp I need to let you know that I currently use a fairly powerful class A/B SS amp and pre-amp into an efficient pair of speakers rated at 4 ohms. My choice of equipment has always been focused on musicality over absolute detail. I want the music to sound natural and not sterile. I seem to have achieved that sound. If I switched to class D amplification that would also be my intended goal although a bit more refined detail would be fine. I have considered pairing the amp with a tube pre to help achieve my desired sound. So why would I change? My goal would be to save money over my current gear while maintaining my desired sound.

I have researched brands such as Nord, Primare, AGD & Nuprime. I have also looked at brands such as Jeff Rowland & Merrill but those are way out of my price range. My target would be $6000 - $7000 or less. I'm about performance not price. So given that background information I would like to hear from those who have made the leap, what your experience has been (likes and dislikes), what amp did you replace and any comments about one brand over the other. Your experience with demos etc. Do you use a tube or SS line stage?
The most neutral Class D amplifier at the moment would be one that uses Purifi Amp modules at least they are the best measuring after that the Ncore modules. As far as neutral amp with detail I haven't seen one that betters the Benchmark AHB2 With SINAD of 113@5Watts 4 Ohm but that's class AB.
I certainly appreciate the replies thus far. I use a BPT 2.5 Signature power conditioner and figured I would try the amp(s) both through that and direct.
Here's a little more fuel for the fire. Lots of class D units use ICE technology. Is gallium nitride a game changer such as the AGD Production amps?
Is gallium nitride a game changer
No- but it **is** a game improver :)

They allow for faster switching times, but in practice they work even better if you take advantage of their ability to turn on and off so much faster- this helps to minimize dead time constraints. Dead time is a constant regardless of switching frequency; therefore there is a quickly diminishing return if you simply use them to switch at a higher speed!