Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?
@dznutz  I was just spending the past hour reading and watching videos about eminence. It seems extremely impressive!
@moby2004 thanks for that man, amazing impressions. I find YG bass light as well but still great speakers.
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smodtactical, are you in principle against any particular genre of speakers? ESL, line array or quasi-line array, horn hybrid, etc. ? You seem stuck on traditional dynamic speakers. 

I will answer your question about the Magico. In one sense it doesn't matter which Magico is selected to answer the question. I have heard several of them, and some in very impressive systems. However, I have yet to be impressed enough to ask for a review. Perhaps at an upcoming show. I have heard more impressive demos of the top end Sonus Faber than Magico, imo.  That doesn't mean in head to head comparison in my room I would pick the SF as better, but at shows it's caught my ear. 

Anyway, the genre is the game changer in so many respects. The King III electrostatic is what I call a "line source ESL" and its a unique sound, big, detailed, like a humongous Quad, only with better low end. To the ear of someone who loves that sound, it doesn't matter what dynamic speaker you put up against it, the ESL will win. 

Line source, the same thing. Omni, the same thing. Open baffle and quasi-OB, same thing. Horn and hy�bird horn, same thing, etc. 

So, are you bound to dynamic with the boxy colorations, because trust me, the Magico speakers have boxy colorations just like every other dynamic speaker. The superbly built Vapor Audio Joule White has boxy colorations - they all do. 

Have you made up your mind on genre of speaker? If not, I suggest you do, because that is the towering (pardon pun) question that should be answered first. No problem if you have the question resolved and are looking for your ultimate expression in dynamic speakers. I get that. But, is it possible that a different genre might supersede it? Have you ever owned a serious speaker in one of these other genres?  (Forgive if I have missed that discussion; I'm not revisiting it all to mine it for answer when you can simply tell me)  :) 
In comparing speakers to magico I think I definitely favour traditional dynamic boxes. Not against horns though. Not that into panels just because I like build quality, bass and dynamics of boxes.
I especially like metal build quality but open to any brands/speakers in that genre. If anything this is more of a thought experiment to see what can truly compete with one of the top brands out there. Especially the magico m series.
Which sonus faber do you like? The Aida or Fenice?
In the simplest of ways... everything that has received a similar amount of design and engineering time can compete and potentially “out perform” them.

I, too, have not heard a Magico that I liked... and Ive owned 3 of them. So in my mind and experience, far less expensive speakers out perform Magico.