Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?

Tried to get onto Perfect Paths website and order some Total Contact. I see that there website is now down, and the owner has died(R.I.P). Does anyone have any news on the availability of this product?
Um, I can say with all confidence that no one has yet to kick in my door to forcibly sterilize me. Is that what’s coming next? I mean, it’s a logical progression. First, they make you follow that tape arrow in the grocery store, then WHAM! Off with the old twig and berries!
  • "And when their done smoking down to the butt end they throw them to the curb ..."

Yep, one of my brother’s main complaints about Tennessee is that there are cigarette butts everywhere. Just a normal way of life down there in Tennessee land.

Here in Southern Califonia, we are way more sophisticated than that.  We've made hit and run a blood sport.

You call that a silver lining? I call it just plain sad

I'm also a Michigander. Hopefully it starts loosening up a bit within the next couple weeks... 
I hear from your esteemed leader that irradiating oneself with extreme light, or drinking a bottle of disinfectant may be a hope in killing the Covid19 🦠 .
We have a gin distiller now making alcohol based hand sanitiser. A new flavour G&T 🤮
Just pick which of your loved ones is expendable and hey...SEND 'EM OUT THERE. Get that economy started and fill up those hospitals with people who can't afford health insurance, and minorities who are already getting Covid-19 at far higher rates than anybody else...that's the ticket...and that's exactly what's going to happen. Have fun!