End of the World system

So here's a question.   You and your loved ones are the last one's on earth. Your fully stocked with a cabin in the woods, renewable energy, and food for a life time.  The roads are out, and there's no place to get gas.

The remains of a high-end store are 20 miles away. What do you bring home, assuming you have to actually carry it back?
Search somewhere for solar cells, because no one is alive to man the generators.
This also brings up the pickle of all the nuclear power plants. With no one to oversee them, they would all suffer a meltdown, effectively poisoning the entire world. Thought about while watching ’The Walking Dead’. Also, why don’t all the zombies in the north freeze solid in the winter? Then you could just go around and shatter them with a hammer. Unless of course, a zombie just ate someone who just drank hot chocolate.
I would drag back all the current variants of the ls3/5a speaker I could find, and finally, once and for all, hear them all in my listening space at the same time , to hear how they really stack up against each other.
Stirling, Graham, Falcon, Rogers, Proac, Mistral, Harbeth........
Then I'll know.....I'll finally know.......