Time for the Dynaco to go, Affordable Integrated or Separates for Wilson's Under $2.5K?

Hi Everyone can it be done?, At the recommendation of a few nice members here, I decided to head in a different direction and find Pre-Owned separates or a nice integrated for my Wilson Audio Watt3/Puppy 2’s. The room is 20x25 but I stit close and do not play loud, I live in a Condo. I am replacing Dynaco MK3’s and like a Musical non-Analytical sound. I am like the idea of VTL, Mcintosh, Rogue, Hegel, and AR. But open to anything. The problem is my budget. How the heck am I going to make Wilson’s sing with so little cabbage. I would like to spend up to $1,000 for the Pre and $2,000 for the Amp. The less the better. Or under $2,000 for an integrated. I have no idea why I want to spend less on an integrated. HELP, I can’t decide. The members here are awesome! Kind and willing to help. All your experience is greatly appreciated!! John
Mk III's can be upgraded, to perform as well as much of what's currently available.    Of course; that depends on how far one takes the, "upgrades".      The most critical components, in tubed equipment, are the transformers.     Dynaco's were excellent.         Ralph didn't mention, whether he's refurbing/upgrading the Mk III, but- if so; you wouldn't regret the move.    If not; there are others, that do.
I haven't touched the Dynaco's, Was thinking not to modify them and maybe just do the power supply filter capacitors (where are they?) because they are "survivors"  I just dig the period-correct look and the perfect minor patina.  Can I replace some bits to improve the sound and keep them as is?  The main reason I want to upgrade it to try more power, most of what I read says if you step up the "current", Wilson's will really sing.   Also, I am not experienced, but I can use a soldering iron and I'm not afraid to dig in and do the work myself. 
Crazy, So many opinions online I have my head spinning.  I think I want to compare the new against the vintage, decide and keep the ones I like the best.  I'm not into modifications for some reason, I like most things original.  Maybe this is foolish thinking?  The strange thing is I feel as with my current set up I hear glimpses of what the Wilson's can do. Could be the DAC, Could be the Pre or the Amps.  I just don't have enough listening experience to know.   But I need to pick a place to start and I figure I will work my way from the speakers upstream, trying to improve each time along the way
Was thinking not to modify them and maybe just do the power supply filter capacitors (where are they?) because they are "survivors" I just dig the period-correct look and the perfect minor patina. Can I replace some bits to improve the sound and keep them as is? The main reason I want to upgrade it to try more power, most of what I read says if you step up the "current", Wilson’s will really sing.

This is a truly bad move when dealing with older electronics!!
**They will not survive long if the filter caps are not replaced (they will eat the power transformer) and they won’t sound right as well.** One of the filter caps is that aluminum

Your speakers are asy to drive and don’t need ’current’ (which can’t exist without voltage, the two together are called ’power’); our local dealer demonstrated your speakers at his store with our M-60s as they made the speakers sound better than any other amps in the store, and the M-60s don’t have a lot of that ’current’, although they easily made power into the Wilsons.

You really need to get your amps refurbished before you send them down the road, or else be alright with the knowledge that you have no idea how they actually sound or how well they play the Wilsons. Its that simple.
That is very good advice, thank you.  I will defiantly be getting the filter caps replaced, and the amps refurbished.  I would still like to compare it to something else and keep what sounds best to my ears.  I like the Dynaco's and I believe they will only get better, all that said I do want to compare and contrast a little for fun.  What else should I replace on the Dynaco's other than the power supply filter capacitors?  I trust your opinion and thank you!