Classe CAM 350 monoblock vs Classe CAM-400 or Bryston 4B3

I am looking at two Classè audiogon postings. A Classe CAM 350 monoblock ($4,449) vs Classe CAM-400 monoblock ($4,900).

I don’t know Classè amps all that well but the earliest reviews I can find for the CAM 350 go back to 2001. The CA-400 may go back to 2009, when was the CAM-400 last made? I don’t know. Any differences in reliability or performance?

Should I assume both need to be recapped? Does one amp run hotter than the other? Is one Class A the other class AB?

Are there any Classè experts out there? I’d guess for the newer more powerful CAM-400 and extra $450 is not much of a difference everything else being equal.

As an audiogon virgin, having never bought or sold here I don’t know that “everything else is equal”.  I don't know how much to trust what I read.

All source material will be FLAC files. Speakers are Magnepan 3.7i about two years old. I know I love how Classè sounds but I worry about the heat making the room unlivable.  My taste in music is eclectic, almost anything except rap.

Perhaps the cool alternative would be a used Bryston 4B3 which Audiogon has 4 for sale at $4,100 - $4,500, any of which would have to be newer and less expensive than the Classè amps.  I have never listened to Bryston 4B3 on magnepan 3.7i speakers.  I don't know if I would like it?

A little guidance for the blind, but not deaf, yet, please; thank you.

I have been performing a little research. The Classè heat issue still concerns me with my modest abode.  I can listen to music for hours at a time and Classè amps operating over that length of time could make my listening room uncomfortable.

Today I found a black Bryston 4B3 power amp for only $3575 on Black will match the rest of my rack. This unit is only 2 years old and in “9” condition. S&H will cost me an additional $119 but this will total cost $1,000 to $1,500 less then either pair of Classè monoblocks which were at least 10-15 years old. The difference in money concerns me less than the significant heat issue which I have experienced myself.

I expect I can manage to get by with “only” 500 wpc into 4 Ω which is a small step up from 350 wpc into 4 Ω. I will have three days to decide once I take possession.  I could be annoyed, not at anyone here at audiogon.  If I can buy from a dealer in Oregon but my local shop has not answered my phone call for at least a month. Had he at least returned my phone call and told me what Classè amps he had in stock I would probably own one of those instead.

Those monstrous Classè monoblocks do radiate a presence in a bachelor’s home, some evidence of commitment and grander, and contempt for all WAF issues.  One could put two of them together with a dog bed on top and keep several greyhounds very happy all winter long. I can admit that I was tempted but in the last analysis only impressing oneself does not amount to much.  Better to own something I can live with.

I’ll need at least six XLR cables of reasonable quality. I have some on order from Cable Matters. I may yet replace my Rotel RC-1590 preamp with a tube amp given the opportunity. I looked into music service streaming DACs but I suspect none will sound better than my 54,000 flac files ripped from 4,000 CDs.

I would like to thank all who were so generous with their advice and encouragement.

Today I found a black Bryston 4B3 power amp for only $3575 on Black will match the rest of my rack.

Classe over Bryston every day, less the back matching the rack has priority sound. 

Cheers George

You may be correct on Classe over Bryston. For me matching color is minor. The determining factor is the heat.  If I will not use something because they make my home unlivable than no sense paying $4,900 for it.
If I will not use something because they make my home unlivable than no sense paying $4,900 for it

It won’t, people think Classe Audio amps are Class-A and produce big heat and is going to roast them. They are not, they have as as much Class-A bias put on them to make them run luke warm like any other Class-A/B amp.
And if thrashed at party levels they will get hot, just like any other Class-A/B amp will.
If you want a cool running amp get a Class-D and you go black too as sound won’t matter.

Cheers George
I have an angel who lives on my right shoulder (Thanks be to God).  The Bryston 4B3 was on consignment and the owner of title does not want to ship the Bryston power amp cross country. Call it divine providence.  So the deal fell through.  I am not out a dime.

There is a local owner of a pair of Classe' Audio CAM 400 monoblock speakers who I expect (Lawd willin') will let me try the pair in my own listening room.   If I can avoid S&H, sales tax and demo in my own home I'll be a happy puppy.  That will cost $1,300 more than plan "A" but if it does not burn down the house with BTUs I know I can live with the Classe sound.

So I may yet own a set of Classe monoblocks. As long as I don't worship them it will not break the first commandment.  (joke)