Today I found a black Bryston 4B3 power amp for only $3575 on Black will match the rest of my rack. This unit is only 2 years old and in “9” condition. S&H will cost me an additional $119 but this will total cost $1,000 to $1,500 less then either pair of Classè monoblocks which were at least 10-15 years old. The difference in money concerns me less than the significant heat issue which I have experienced myself.
I expect I can manage to get by with “only” 500 wpc into 4 Ω which is a small step up from 350 wpc into 4 Ω. I will have three days to decide once I take possession. I could be annoyed, not at anyone here at audiogon. If I can buy from a dealer in Oregon but my local shop has not answered my phone call for at least a month. Had he at least returned my phone call and told me what Classè amps he had in stock I would probably own one of those instead.
Those monstrous Classè monoblocks do radiate a presence in a bachelor’s home, some evidence of commitment and grander, and contempt for all WAF issues. One could put two of them together with a dog bed on top and keep several greyhounds very happy all winter long. I can admit that I was tempted but in the last analysis only impressing oneself does not amount to much. Better to own something I can live with.
I’ll need at least six XLR cables of reasonable quality. I have some on order from Cable Matters. I may yet replace my Rotel RC-1590 preamp with a tube amp given the opportunity. I looked into music service streaming DACs but I suspect none will sound better than my 54,000 flac files ripped from 4,000 CDs.
I would like to thank all who were so generous with their advice and encouragement.