Speaker recommendations for MC275

 Can anyone recommend a good speaker match for my McIntosh MC275 VI?  (Mac c2200 preamp)

Currently have the original B&W N804.  I’m looking to upgrade.  Budget is max. $12K.  New or used.  My room dimensions are 21’ x 12’ x 8’ H.  
I know this is late & the speakers have likely been bought, but I have a MC275 pushing a pair of Sonus Faber Olympica Nova V’s and the sound is magnificent.
here in whittier california, there's 'hifi haven' which has been in business since the late 50's! they favor 'martin logan' speakers! is this a good match??
Any of the Nola Viper series mate extremely well with the MC275 mk vi. I run the Viper 1AX with the AlNiCo drivers/Mundorf Silver/Gold oil cap upgrades and it is a match that is tough to beat in shear musicality. Of course, speakers are a personal choice so YMMV. 
Can anyone recommend a good speaker match for my McIntosh MC275 VI? Currently have the original B&W N804.

Not the best amp for these speakers, they have a nasty load in the bass.

With the 275 you "ideally" to get the very best out of it, you want a speaker that’s 8ohm and doesn’t dip too much below 6ohms and has less than 40’ - phase angle where those impedance dips are, because it "can" make the impedance look twice as bad to the amp.

Do your homework and look at all the floor standers Stereophile has done "impedance" (solid line) and "-phase" (dashed line) graphs on

And choose one that’s similar to this, where the solid impedance line, doesn’t dip much below 6ohms for 20hz to 20khz and the dashed -phase line doesn’t dip below 40 degrees at those 6ohm dips. Like this speaker.
PMC fact.8 signature
https://www.stereophile.com/images/420PMC8fig1.jpg (This 1st in line one just happens to be $12k omen??🤦‍♂️}

Cheers George
JBL 4367 is the ideal candidate for you. Your room is the perfect size, your budget just right. And many, many people, including myself use McIntosh with them.