Well you ended up answering your own question didn't you.
"As for my Benchmark DAC, I'm going to stick with it for the immediate future because it's my newest component at less than two years old. It DRAMATICALLY improved the resolution in my system, though I'll admit it left my sound a bit thin and definitely trending on the bright side"
I'm curious, why would you "stick with it" if you've now come to the realization that the Benchmark is bright, and don't like the way it sounds, and it's causing the issues that you have with your system? Keep it cause it's 2 years old?? Not to be rude but your logic doesn't really seem to make any sense. Just sell the thing and move on. You can probably get $700-$800 for it. pick up a new W4S Dac1 for $999.00 that will crush it, across the board.
As for the Levinson 383 I'd think hard on that. The 383 is long discontinued, no warranty, and Harmon is known to have terrible support for older Levinson products, just poke around in the discussion forums about Levinson customer service issues.
A great choice in an amp that would match up well with your Dynaudio's would be a Plinius 9200 plenty of power great sound, excellent match.. They typically sell for $2500.00 -$3000.00, less than a 383 and pretty much bullet proof build quality.
"As for my Benchmark DAC, I'm going to stick with it for the immediate future because it's my newest component at less than two years old. It DRAMATICALLY improved the resolution in my system, though I'll admit it left my sound a bit thin and definitely trending on the bright side"
I'm curious, why would you "stick with it" if you've now come to the realization that the Benchmark is bright, and don't like the way it sounds, and it's causing the issues that you have with your system? Keep it cause it's 2 years old?? Not to be rude but your logic doesn't really seem to make any sense. Just sell the thing and move on. You can probably get $700-$800 for it. pick up a new W4S Dac1 for $999.00 that will crush it, across the board.
As for the Levinson 383 I'd think hard on that. The 383 is long discontinued, no warranty, and Harmon is known to have terrible support for older Levinson products, just poke around in the discussion forums about Levinson customer service issues.
A great choice in an amp that would match up well with your Dynaudio's would be a Plinius 9200 plenty of power great sound, excellent match.. They typically sell for $2500.00 -$3000.00, less than a 383 and pretty much bullet proof build quality.