Correct alignment for Fidelity Research 64fx/SPU?


I've recently paired SPU Spirit with FR64fx (& additional counterweight).

FR64fx is mounted at 230mm pivot to spindle distance on my Garrard 301.

I currently experience a light distortion and mistracking. As I tried the SPU before on almost ad hoc mounted 3012 and that sounded technically correct (though not as convincing as with FR64fx in terms of emotional performance), I'm pretty convinced I will need to realign the tonearm.

I would appreciate any info related to an experience of 64/SPU users here, which would differ from a usual 230m PTS alignment. Also, I keep on reading that Stevenson alignment would be preferred, is there any explanation why so?

Basically I need to make a good decision as I have no armboard - whatever decision I make I will need to get a new top board with a new hole for a new alignment.

Many thanks!
@lewm  : For me over the EPA-100 is with out doubt the MAX-282. This tonearm comes with 3 diferent arm wands where one of them is a removable headshell J shape wand.
It comes with a silicon oil facility at the pivot position and its unique gyroscopic type bearing is just a beauty.

But not only is a great tonearm design but really good quality performer that permits that the cartridges can make very good job.

I think that you need to own it. I don't have it any more because I just do not need it due to my own tonearm design. As with other very good tonearms I finished putting on sale and sold fast.

Well i read this with some interest as i am making a few armboards for my turntables at the minute, so i will make an fr64s board for my own Townshend Rock Elite - i will let u know the results. That said i bought a plastic townshend trough to be used on a sony tts 8000. I think the trough is genius. I had a very informative discussion with an arm maker and he said that the silicone used is so thick in part to stop dripping. A thinner oil will get the same results without over straining the cantilever (which can be a problem with off centre records). @rauliruegas whilst there are other arm resonances the damping trough kills them at source and that energy is put into the silicone - a different head-shell still dissipates into the arm.