Pass and ARC

I have an opportunity, well two opportunities actually, to purchase at incredible prices a Pass Labs XA30.5 and an ARC Reference 2 preamp. Any thoughts on whether they would pair well? I would be using them with Klipsch Heresy III’s  and mostly vinyl front end. I would be grateful for any and all constructive advice. 
You could do a lot worse. Bear in mind the performance with separates ultimately depends on the interconnect used between them. This could be bad, in the sense it adds cost. Or you could see it as a plus, in that your choice of IC will allow you some control over the combined result. Since it sounds like you're choosing these based on what they cost not how they sound. For sure you will have no problem driving the Klipsch with them!
How old is that Ref 2? If it’s early production it could date back 20 years so I’d want to make sure it’s in good working order before pulling the trigger. Technically it will certainly work together and there’s no impedance mismatch or the like but the Ref 2 isn’t exactly the quietest tube preamp out there. Since you’re mainly listening to vinyl the noise issue could get more pronounced depending on your phono stage...and the Heresy IV’s at 99 dB sensitivity will let you hear the noise pretty easily.
My Altec's are 99 db sensitivity and my 1983 Audio Research SP8 preamp doesn't make any noise and I do use the phono stage on it. I doubt that Ref 2 is going to be an issue. ARC uses top notch parts in it's gear.