Pass and ARC

I have an opportunity, well two opportunities actually, to purchase at incredible prices a Pass Labs XA30.5 and an ARC Reference 2 preamp. Any thoughts on whether they would pair well? I would be using them with Klipsch Heresy III’s  and mostly vinyl front end. I would be grateful for any and all constructive advice. 
Just use any decent quality interconnect and your good. If an interconnect starts to alter the sound it's a sign that there is something wrong with it.
@billwojo   That SP8 is certainly a classic!  Still using original power supply caps etc?  
I own the XA30.5, also paired with a tube preamp (McIntosh c2500).
The pass has been in my system longer than any other piece of equipment and i consider it a "forever" amp. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I've powered several speakers with it and have settled on 94db efficient Tannoys. The amp has way more power than these speakers require. It should have no probelm powering your Klipsch.