Soundsmith - Thank you to everyone.



Too beautiful to go back to sleep

The morning sprite before the sun

black silhouetted trees that edge the world

respeak stillness as night’s undone


in quiescent twilight day is birthed

So perfect in its offering

infinite outcomes by love conceived

Immaculately separate from our suffering


To taste the dew that’s offered up

One would have to sacrifice

The comfort of one’s darkened view

The tradeoff believed that will suffice


So it’s a crow that breaks the dawn

Unravels peace that must unwind

And signals end to mornings birth

To usher deeds of manunkind


Too beautiful to be believed

timeless in its continuing

Miraculous to be conceived

So fragile in its offering



Peter Ledermann

Thanks for your post. The problem with vintage cartridges is that unless they have been traveling at a substantial fraction of the speed of light, they have aged - and part of that depends on the environments they are/were in, and also on the specific formulations used for damping materials. I have even seen NOS EPC451 SG units (Panasonic) where the ultra thin aluminum cantilevers are mainly corroded - just by time/environment.

Damping materials are VERY tricky. I have the distinct advantage of personaly having rebuilt many, many thousands of cartridges. THAT is an education for which there is no equal, or shortcut. I have seen some damping materials in MC designs turn to cracked stone in 2 years, ones I assume worked extremely well when new. Others are 40 years old and work perfectly. I am very, very careful to use formulations in my designs that are proven to last 20-30 years or more. Are there a bit better materials that have somewhat better visco-elastic properties right out of the box? Sure. You bet. Will I use them? No. I get away with NOT using those unproven materials because when you reduce the moving mass dramatically as I have done and cannot be done in MC designs, damping becomes orders of magnitude easier and more efficient. A win-win.

So there is no telling - even if I DO tell you of some I love, how you will find good ones? It's like hooking you up with an old girlfriend who is looking for love that I have not talked to in 30 years. I have no idea what time has done to her. Its certainly done a hell of a job on me.

So forgive me my vagueness - I just don't want to misdirect. What I CAN tell you is what a wonder it is to find a well designed MM, MI or MC that HAS been traveling at 3/4 the speed of light, and after rebuilding, it plays so well........  

Peter Ledermann - (NOT aging so gracefully in certain respects)
Wishing you and yours all the best Peter !!!

love the poetry and the family tree history - a line of ours similar in having been driven out of Baden Baden.

My sweet old girl

Is lost to me again

In a world

Of her mind




Other beach puppies

A ragged stick

Torn from a rootball

By the tide

Chasing the rainbow 

But not the bridge

Tide rips move

Tennis balls in the Sound

She flips her tail

At the triumphant turn

The salt in her coat

Sparkles like diamonds

In the setting

Summer solstice


I love it. Yours?? Beautiful. I get it.
Mine for Sprout. She stuck around after my wife died to take carer of me. Now I have Azul - a mystical Blue Merle Aussie who got loose at 12 weeks old and trekked more than half a mile through brambles inside of 80 acres, to pass out on my porch. Best part - a psychic told me two months before, that a new dog was coming into my life. I asked him where did I have to search - where to go to find it? He said - "Do nothing. He is coming to find you." I cannot describe how bonded we are. He came to rescue me and my soul and heart after so much loss.

Peter Ledermann
"Proof of God is necessarily limited to a triad - 100% Kona coffee, Cheese and Dogs".