You should probably spend less time on feeble attempts to discredit other posters here, while not offering up any evidence or knowledge to forward an attempt at discrediting, and spend less time on insulting other people here, and spend more time on building your own personal credibility which does not benefit from such personal attacks lacking in substance.
At a minimum, I am sure you are aware that visitors can read both our posts. Where yours is nothing but a personal attack lacking substance, my posts are topically relevant and show a substantial understanding of the underlying technology. While other's may disagree with my conclusions, they will at least acknowledge I do understand the topic being discussed on more than a cursory level.
What conclusion do you think readers will reach with your posts?
Good day.
You should probably spend less time on feeble attempts to discredit other posters here, while not offering up any evidence or knowledge to forward an attempt at discrediting, and spend less time on insulting other people here, and spend more time on building your own personal credibility which does not benefit from such personal attacks lacking in substance.
At a minimum, I am sure you are aware that visitors can read both our posts. Where yours is nothing but a personal attack lacking substance, my posts are topically relevant and show a substantial understanding of the underlying technology. While other's may disagree with my conclusions, they will at least acknowledge I do understand the topic being discussed on more than a cursory level.
What conclusion do you think readers will reach with your posts?
Good day.
clearthink1,151 posts04-28-2020 1:46pm
heaudio123"Clearthink, Long on superlatives, and insults, as usual conveying absolutely no information and bringing nothing to the conversation."
Those who lack knowledge, understanding, and plain logic often result to personal attack, insult , and derision in an effort to appear thoughtful, authoritative, and expert so from those type of people I actually accept the "insult" as an actual compliment or praise. Thank you heaudio and best of luck to you in you’re journey towards truth!