Hello listening99,
I’m not quite sure who you’re directing your question to. If it’s me, I don’t think I’m the best individual to answer your question. My experience with class D amps has mainly been searching for ones that best drive my former Magnepan 2,7QR and current Magnepan 3.7i main speakers, which are both only about 86db@ 1 watt and much less efficient than your 98db@ 1 watt Tekton Moabs. The best amp I’ve ever used on my speakers are a pair of D-Sonic M3-600-M class D mono-block amps. But these amps output 1,200 watts into my 4 ohm speakers, which seems excessive to me for your 4 ohm speakers. Unfortunately, I have no experience utilizing high efficiency speakers since I was 18, 44 years ago. Therefore, I have very little useful knowledge to share with you except I believe you don’t need to exclude any amps or amp types from your search. Hopefully, you’ll receive some other lower power suggestions from other readers of this thread,