Not much talk about Yamaha turntables.

I've been wanting to jump into the analog world for years, but for a lack of experience and/or knowledge about the equipment, I haven't. There's plenty of talk here about the big names in analog and I was surprised the other day browsing around somewhere that Yamaha has turntables.  Are these any good?  What do they compare to in terms of other more well-known analog names?  I'm not asking about their $8,000 models.  I will never be able to afford that.  I'm asking more about their sub $1k models.  

Not much talk about Yamaha turntables.

The first rule of Yamaha turntables is nobody talks about Yamaha turntables.
@lewm Russian second hand market flooded with vintage Yamaha GT2000 turntables just like in Tokyo. Not "x" version. The black GT2000 is not so expensive, as i said under $2k.

I have no idea about new Yamaha turntables or anything new from this brand.