Daisy chain another subwoofer

I have a rythmik f-12 subwoofer that I would like to add another sub to. I'm currently using the line level inputs. Can I use the line level outputs from this subwoofer to connect another subwoofer off this one? Thanks!
Yes. You can also connect one to the L channel, the other to R. They're the same signal, won't make any difference SQ-wise, so do whichever is easier.
Only thing I can think of that might be a problem is if one of the subs plugs into another circuit. They must all plug into the same circuit or you risk ground loop hum. Other than that you should be fine, and the more subs the better.
Are you sure this is what you're hoping for (stereo mode)?
Watch this video for an explanation of stereo vs dual mono setup.
Both methods work, but you might have a preference for dual mono setup. I suspect you would need a pair of passive splitters since you've asked about daisy chaining from one sub to the other. Basically, one splitter for each channel (1 in 2 out). Left side goes to left input channel on each sub, and same thing for the right side splitter to subs. Technical issues aside, I'm just letting you know there's another choice, and my feeling is most people choose dual mono for the reasons mentioned in the video link.